Natural Superfood Cream For Your Skin

Have you noticed that today being vegan is not only healthy but also fashionably? Beauty industry caught up this trend as well and started producing a lot of such products. So if you decided to become a vegan, you’ll follow this idea from the top to bottom. English brand Elemis produced a new facial superfood care line (cleansing gel, oil,…
Kiev, Ukraine
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What I Used & Liked In October

Lavender Spray For Your Pillow This spray I bought when I was travelling in Provence, in one small town called Arl, where was living and working Vincent van Gogh. In France you can find something with lavender fragrance in every corner. But I was looking for a perfume. It is my favourite one! So that, when I saw this bottle…
Kiev, Ukraine
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June’s Favorites

Still can’t believe that the first month of summer has been already passed! I love June for its blossom, fresh fruits and feeling of warm season. Looking backward I’d like to share my favourite products and those things which were inspired me. Body Even during the summer our skin needs to be hydrated and nourished. Take to your consideration different…
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