Now it’s a perfect time for changes. We fresh up our wardrobe, look for new places and cafes for meetings with friends and find new fragrances. I’d like to offer you 5 interesting books for this spring, which, I hope, will surprise you and inspire.
The first one is written by american actress Cameron Diaz ‘The Body Book’. It’s about beauty, health and proper nutrition. Here Cameron tells us about healthy products, vitamins which we use in our everyday life.
Next book is a classic of 20th century. ‘Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again…’. This is the phrase which is well known to every fan of Lady Daphne du Maurier. Her novel ‘Rebekka’ was considered as the best roman of the century. On these pages you’ll find a story full of secrets, love and mystic of great England.
The third one is intellectual. I chose this essay written by Erich Fromm ‘The Art of Loving’ not by chance. There isn’t better time than spring for waking up our light feeling. The author shows us in all details brotherly, maternal and sexual love and gives an answer on the main question: ‘Is the love an art?’
The forth book in my list is from Japanese literature. Yukio Mishima is the most famous Japanese writer. He conquered readers from all over the world with his novels, drams. The compositions are mostly sad, melancholic and full of Japanese culture.
The last but not least, is a book by M.L.Stedman ‘Light Between Oceans’. This is very composite and interesting book about love, liability and conscience – that kind of feelings which we are lack today! In this book every character has to make a hard decision. And from his decision depend on lives of so many people.
Books are a fantastic world! This world could give you a wright advice, show the solution when you need it or hide you from some problems. This world is opened for everybody. You just need to take a book and open it. Enjoy the reading.
Written by – Anastasia Sorokina (@anikorros).
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