Usually we associate make up with red lipstick with special occasions or weekends. That’s why in our ordinary life we choose nude shades rather than bright. My passion to this color was born long time ago. I like putting accent on my lips and leave eyes make more neutral. During the summer time it’s the best variant! You don’t have…
Walking along the streets in pyjama – why not?! This season it’s going to be the most popular trend which came from the previous one. Moreover, it’s very comfortable outfit for our everyday life! Such ‘pyjama style’ is useful because you don’t have to think about all details and items. It is absolutely completed look for different meetings and events.…
Regarding the last fashion trends and news I noticed that the bright, eccentric and sometimes ‘fricky’ clothes are holding my attention more often. Last year I couldn’t even imagine myself wearing something gold or silver color. According to accessories or jewellery I preferred to choose in silver pallet, because I have never liked the yellow or gold one. But never…
Now it’s a perfect time to wear leather mule shoes and crop tops. No more warm sweaters and coats! All these clothes we could put in our wardrobe for sure and say “See you next season!”) We are preparing for getting the sun lights on our skin as much as possible! So did I. When I was in Rome a…
When we look through the fashion magazines and blogs, we try to imagine how we would look in this or that outfit. And very often we are not sure if it suits us. The reason is a lack of self-confidence and a fear of changes. Every time we are thinking what people say about us and then afraid of any…
The last Paris Fashion Week inspired me on writing this post. Each day I was looking at all these streetstyle photos and decided to make the outfit simply close to that style and mood. In this way I could be close to this marvelous city and its atmosphere a little bit more. I came to conclusion that the main and…
When do we relax and get enough energy for our daily life? Right! When we sleep well! The best way to avoid dull color of your skin and first wrinkles is sleeping about 7-8 hours. If you wish to have a good metabolism and relax your muscles after hard-working training in gym, you have to get enough sleep. I was…
The most important purchase of this winter is a turtleneck. It’s a kind of basic and must have clothes each of us which is now very trendy. It is casual and stylish knitwear simultaneously. That’s why we love it so much! It could be worn mostly with everything. If you need the look in casual style – choose your fav…
“How to do as much as possible?” We wake up in the morning with this thought very often and try to refresh our daily plans which were made yesterday. Weeks, months and years are passing by with high speed! And usually it goes in a hectic rhythm. The most interesting is that we are getting to enjoy it. The practice…
Незадолго до своего отъезда в Москву, я успела посетить первые два дня недели моды в Киеве, которая проходила в Мыстецком Арсенале. В это сезоне удивило то, что все больше внимания уделяется и мужской моде. Так у VIKTORANISIMOV мужские образы были в его любимом черном трикотаже, моделями в этот раз выступили украинские селебрити. У дизайнера Залевского присутствовал характерный лёгкий эпатаж, в…