Infinite Woman’s World with PODOLYAN

” You behold a star for two reasons: because it sparkles, and consequently, that it is incomprehensible. But near to you – light more gentle and secret deeper: the woman!” V. Hugo It is known that human always needs to discover something, explore and learn. The idea that everything is made for some reason and has its particular purpose doesn’t…
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My Californication Sunsets

My favorite part of each summer day is sunset. The energy which you get while watching the sun goes down is incredible! And this range of red warm colors you see then on sky – inspires me so much. Summer sunsets are definitely the most beautiful and miraculous appearance that could ever be! We spend only a few minutes gazing…
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How to Make the Look Complete?

I’m sure that everyone has such moments when you need changes and that’s why trying to find something unique and special. It could be a new perfume or a dinner which you’ve made by yourself with new recipe. But more often we are looking for a new in fashion trends. During the whole summer we were obsessed with boaters and…
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Fashion Trend – Back to 60’s!!!

Ну что ж, время близится к зиме: наступают холода, за окном темнеет уже после обеда, выходить на улицу хочется все реже и реже. Со всем этим приходит та самая хандра. Да-да, это именно она виновница нашего плохого настроения и раздражительности. Спастись можно только шопингом и шоколадом. Но последнее, к сожалению, влечет за собой неприятные последствия, от которых весной прийдется всеми…
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